Leading mining organizations are nvestigating & investing in transformative strategies that would leverage digital innovation chnologies
Digital Change: Digital Transformation in Mining
The importance of digital technologies to the mining industry is increasingly recognized as organizations explore solutions to mitigate geological uncertainty, market volatility and operational risks. Ruang Business Solution (Pty) Ltd provides the best software for Digital Change in the Mining Sector. Big Data and the IoT provide “outside the box” opportunities to rethink existing processes in order to unlock additional value.
The question is not so much about relevance anymore, but rather about strategy: How do we get there?
1. Establish the vision Digital Change is not an end in itself. Mining organizations are exploring digital technologies as a mean to become more agile and enhance productivity at a time where margins are shrinking. Also, cash generation definitely is a shared objective, but each organization has its own business drivers depending on multiple factors (e.g. location, size, competition, etc.) and the resulting strategic objectives. It is critical for a mining organization to understand where it comes from and where it is heading, so it can draw the right transformative path in between.
2. Assess opportunities Every mining organization has trusted relationships with multiple technology suppliers, which deliver selected expertise across the value-chain (e.g. software, mobile equipment, telecommunications, etc.). Ruang is ready to offer a compelling value-proposition in terms of Digital Transformation. It is critical for a mining organization to evaluate capabilities against its needs and plan it journey together with a reliable supplier.
3. Engage in partnership A Digital Change is a long-term effort, which requires a trusted relationship between a mining organization and its strategic suppliers. For a successful journey, suppliers have a duty to act as trusted advisors in the best interest of the organization. In return, the organization should keep faith in its partners despite potential obstacles. As in any partnership, the beginning is harder, which means that both parties are required to share risks, contribute enough resources and make the necessary efforts in order to initiate the journey successfully.
4. Involve the organization Every individual in the mining organization should feel involved. The leadership starts by conveying the Digital Transformation vision and providing the necessary support for change. At the beginning, only a handful of people within key departments will be involved to initiate the effort. However, as the journey progresses and early successes are noticed, it is critical to socialize outcomes across the organization. Indeed, spreading awareness helps unify people and develop a sense of commitment, which will further fuel the transformative spirit.
5. Develop a road-map Digital technologies have multiple applications in the mining industry, which help deliver productivity gains and streamline the value-chain. Clearly, it is impossible for a mining organization to implement all changes and transform its operations at once. Practically speaking, resources are limited so they should be focused in order to deliver optimal results. Logically speaking, it would make sense to go step-by-step in order to mitigate risks. Ruang is prepared to with mining organization to develop a strategic road-map.
6. Identify “quick wins” A road-map includes a number of Digital Transformation initiatives, in line with the corporate strategic objectives. When implemented together, they help streamline operations in order to maximize value creation. However, each initiative carries a certain level of complexity vs. impact, so it is important to prioritize them. “Quick wins” allow for maximum return and limited risk within a short timeframe. Those initiatives should be implemented first, not only due to their simplicity, but because they help build momentum at the beginning of the journey.
7. Define a pilot project Mining organizations are increasingly diversified and international, which makes the implementation of digital technologies even more challenging. This should not be an obstacle and the success factor lies in finding the right operation or project to get started with. In order to do so, Ruang will assist the organization to look for Digital Transformation “champions”, who are particularly appealed by innovation and eager to be role-models in that regard. Those “champions” provide a much needed leadership.
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